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                Legal Notices

                “Jiangsu Xi’anda Explosion-Proof Co., Ltd.” is registered at No. 528 Chunhui Road, Huishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi City, and is committed to the development, production and sales of explosion-proof motors. Recently, Wuxi has found unscrupulous merchants to sell products with similar or identical font sizes. Our company will only negotiate, bid, sign contracts and issue invoices with customers in the name of “Jiangsu Xi’anda Explosion-Proof Co., Ltd.”. Except for written authorization, any unit or individual who claims to be “Zionda Branch”, “Zionda Sales Company” and “Anda Explosion-Proof Motor Factory” will defraud in the name of counterfeiting our company or the original “Wuxi Anda Explosion-Proof Motor Factory”. The behavior of customer trust, once verified, our company will pursue its legal responsibility, please pay attention to the distinction between customers, beware of being deceived.
